The remarkable regeneration of Fenchurch Street, as highlighted in our January 2015 article (https://www.newtonperkins.com/article/190/flourishing-fenchurch-street) is set to gain further momentum.
Swiss based investment manager, Partners Group and joint venture partner, Marick Real Estate, have announced their intention to start construction on a speculative basis of a new £300 million office building at 80 Fenchurch Street. The 14 storey, 250,000 sq ft building is scheduled to complete in Q1 2018.
Also fronting Fenchurch Street and Leadenhall Street, an overseas client of Newton Perkins’ will complete their 69 Leadenhall Street development in Q4 2015. The 25,000 sq ft building is being comprehensively refurbished with a re-positioned reception fronting onto Leadenhall St and new services installed throughout. It is expected to generate strong occupier interest.
To discuss this article or 69 Leadenhall Street please contact Harry Trotter or David Alcock at Newton Perkins.