
We advise on the wide-ranging issues arising from the disrepair of buildings and tenant’s reinstatement/dilapidations liabilities.

Our expertise is based upon a clear understanding of the lease terms, building condition issues and legal arguments to support our client’s case. Adherence to relevant protocols and guidelines to seek settlements to the commercial advantage of our clients by negotiation are of paramount importance in our strategy.

Our services include the preparation of Scopes of Work, interim and terminal Schedules of Dilapidations and Schedules of Condition, negotiating settlements and liaison with the client’s legal team.



Matt Williams

Tel: +44 (0)7990 738 485

Email:  mw@newtonperkins.com


Frequently Asked Questions

  • My tenant’s lease expires in 6 months time and I wish to ensure that the tenant complies with his covenants to reinstate, repair and decorate.  What should I do?

    Arrange for your surveyor to receive all the relevant documents, inspect the premises and serve a Schedule of Dilapidations through your solicitors as soon as possible, stating your intentions for the premises.

  • My lease ends soon and my landlord wants all the partitions and kitchens taken out.  They could be of use to someone else and some were there when we took the premises.

    Assuming that the landlord can require reinstatement, the general advice given by letting agents is that the accommodation should be presented as open plan.  However, unless there is a specific requirement to reinstate earlier alterations, the landlord will not be able to require a reinstatement of alterations in situ at the commencement of the lease.

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