Public Transport

  • 0.15 miles from Aldgate
  • 0.27 miles from Tower Hill
  • 0.32 miles from Liverpool Street
  • 0.32 miles from Aldgate East
  • 0.39 miles from Monument
  • 0.44 miles from Bank


33 Creechurch Lane, EC3A

£52.50 per sq. ft.


Floor Sq Feet Sq Metres Status
3rd Floor 4,028 374 Available
Upper Ground 3,193 297 Available


  • Meeting rooms
  • New LED lighting
  • Board room
  • EPC – B rating
  • VRF air conditioning system
  • Upgraded reception with commissionaire
  • 1st floor (North) brand new fit out
  • Bike racks & shower facilities
  • Raised floors with data & cabling
  • 32 desks
  • Kitchen/Breakout Area


New leases are available direct from the Landlord for terms by arrangement.


Estimated at £20.12- £20.15 per sq ft. However, all interested parties should make their own enquiries.

Service Charge

Estimated at £14.53 per sq ft.


The building has been elected for VAT.

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