Public Transport

  • 0.10 miles from Monument
  • 0.30 miles from Cannon Street
  • 0.30 miles from Tower Hill
  • 0.31 miles from Bank
  • 0.36 miles from London Bridge
  • 0.43 miles from Aldgate
  • 0.46 miles from Mansion House



8 Eastcheap, EC3M

£52.50 per sq. ft.


Floor Sq Feet Sq Metres Status
1st Floor (CAT A+) 7,016 652 Available March 24


  • Raised floors
  • LED lighting
  • EPC – B rating
  • Newly refurbished CAT A+ floor
  • Partially fitted and furnished
  • Boardroom and meeting room provision
  • AC provision
  • New reception with soft seating and commissionaire
  • End of trip facilities including:16x bike racks,12x lockers and 2x showers, including 1x disabled shower
  • Refurbished Kitchen/Breakout Area


A new lease is available for a term until August 2028, direct from the Landlord.


Estimated at £20.68 per sq. ft. However, all interested parties should make their own enquiries.

Service Charge

Estimated at £12.90 per sq ft


The building has been elected for VAT.

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